Friday, August 19, 2011

Alternative medicines

With health becomes a bigger part of people's lives it is time to take concern on the health products and the medicines that people take. There are so many drugs out there, it is important to be careful which one do you use as some may have harmful side effects. This is the advantageous of using alternative medicine and natural medicine. They have fewer side effects and are often better for the body.

It is important to get advice about natural medicines from a reliable and trustworthy source, as there are many companies out there who will not hesitate to feed a lot of nonsense just to buy their products.

It still important to think about the amount of drugs that you will take on a daily or frequently, as this can sometimes have a negative impact. This is obviously not the drugs that are prescribed for long term use, because they are necessary and indispensable for the patient. People are becoming aware of the medicines they take. As greater use of drugs can sometimes cause a weakened immune system, but also allow the disease becomes immune to drugs with the same drugs. This can create major problems in the future. The use of drugs to treat disease can also infect people with weak immune systems. The results can be devastating.

People are becoming less willing to fill their bodies with drugs all the time. They feel that it is better to use drugs and natural remedies. This may be true but sometimes you need to use traditional medicines. They are good but people are more cautious to use them. In particular the use of antibiotics for example.
The over using of this has caused real problems with MRSA. It is the case of the disease becoming resistant to the medicine.

Friday, August 12, 2011

About medieval medicine

Within the history of medicine timeline, medieval medicine is a particularly interesting aspect to investigate, as at this time medicine was still based on some fairly archaic ideas, but by the end of the era new theories were beginning to emerge which would one day revolutionize medicine.

The timeline of medicine begins much earlier than medieval times in fact, medicine’s history extends back to the prehistoric era but it was during the medieval age that certain medical advances were made which would prove to be particularly important in the future. Lessons learned during medieval age clearly brought about the success of the early organizations of Christian hospitals and clinics in Asia and Africa.

The most well respected physician during the medieval era was Galen of Pergamum, a Greek who had lived in the second century B.C. During the time in which he lived, his work had added a great deal of important information to the store of medical knowledge including study on inflammation, infectious diseases, and pharmacology.

At this time, qualifying as a doctor of medicine involved ten years’ worth of study, and because of this there were relatively few doctors. Women were did not train as doctors, but many medical practitioners actually were women, until the increasing regulation of the profession began to exclude people who had not trained from practicing.

During the medieval era, the prevailing medical theory was the theory of humors, which was pioneered by Hippocrates and further developed by Galen of Pergamum. The theory of humors ended up being very long lived it was not until the nineteenth century that it began to fall out of use.

According to the theory, the body was made up of four principal humors fluids called yellow bile, black bile, blood, and phlegm. All diseases were caused by imbalances in the body’s proportion of the various humors. For example, too much phlegm in the body would cause lung diseases, and would cause the lungs to cough up the excess phlegm in an attempt to restore the balance between the four humors. Each of the four humors was also associated with particular organs, climate types, elements, and even personality types.

Treating various diseases often involved the application of herbs, which were supposed to help restore the balance between the humors. Using herbs lent itself to the Christian “Doctrine of Signatures,” which stated that God had provided a world in which the cure for every ailment existed, and that each cure had on it some sort of sign which proclaimed its purpose. For example, Lungwort, which was used to treat tuberculosis, had an appearance similar to that of diseased lungs.

It wasn’t until the end of the medieval era that some of those important advances were made. During this era, for example, Theodoric Borgognoni pioneered the introduction of one of the most important concepts in modern medicine: the use of antiseptic practices. Other physicians contributed immensely to the store of knowledge, including Realdo Colombo and Michael Servetus, both of whom discovered important knowledge about the circulatory system.

About pet medicine

Just like when you or any family member is ill, when you find that you have a sick pet medicine is what you’ll need to give it as well. Your pet is just as much a family member as anyone else, especially if they have been with you through your good times and bad. Some pets might be childhood friends who are now in their old age. Pets need medicine as well, so you’ll need to see their wants when they fall sick as well.

It’s easy enough to pick up a pet at the pet store and think glibly that you will care for it, and then forget all about it as time goes by, but that isn’t playing fair by your pet. It too should expect to be cared for and looked after well into its dotage just as you would an older relative. There’ll also be special pet medicine that you will need to get for your pet when it falls sick.

Animals are prone to the same whims and fancies of fate that we are, and they also get the same diseases and illness that we do. Not exactly the same but more of the pet version, which is why they need pet medicine. So don’t feed your human medicine to your pet as this could be lethal.

If you’re interested in administering to pets however, you could of course become a veterinarian. These wonderful people are the shamans of the pet world and will know exactly what pet medicine to administer to your pet when the need arises. If you feel the calling in your blood to look after animals and care for them, then this could be the route you were looking for.

This could unlock your hidden talents and set you on the path of a great career. That is of course only if you enjoy being with pets. If not then this job is definitely not for you. However, if you have a pet, you’ll still need to be able to give your own pet the prescribed pet medicine in the right dosages, at the right times.

Look after your pet with great care. You’ll never find the same lifelong love and devotion from anyone else that you would from a faithful pet. One pet is worth a thousand people who will only stand by you in the best of times. So remember that your pet needs medicine too, just as we do and give them the pet medicine they need.

About alternative medicine

Many forms of alternative medicine are now becoming popular among many people. In essence, alternative medicine is already around and used by mankind long before the birth of conventional medicine. We are only now rediscovering and re  realizing the benefits and advantages of alternative medicine.

Alternative medicine is popular due to its simplicity and ability to provide cure for many ailments using cheaper and easier to use medicines and methods. For example, instead of going to the doctor to get a prescription for sleeping pills, you can instead use aromatherapy oils like lavender and chamomile that can induce a feeling of sleepiness during or after some relaxing massage.

Alternative medicine as already mentioned is most of the times more cost effective than conventional ways of healing. Herbalists would know that readily available kitchen spices such as onions, ginger and garlic can be used for treating common sicknesses like colds, fever and cough instead of OTC medicines. In fact, there are commercially available drugs that are plant based or are made using plants as main ingredients.

If you are one of those people who are somewhat afraid of surgeries and its side effects, you have another reason for preferring alternative means of healing. Some patients whose illnesses seem not to be detected or healed by conventional medicine seek alternative ways to cure their diseases.

In many forms of alternative healing, patients receive some really personal treatments from the alternative healer. Massage therapy for instance, not only will your tired muscles be massaged and conditioned but the masseuse can also help you in your goal towards wellness by encouraging you to be hopeful and following advised practices. Alternative medicine also works on balancing the body and mind and not just on a single area of the body which is affected by the illness. Yoga for example is not just about stretching the body but putting the mind and the body in balance and perfect harmony.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Medicine for diabetes

The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, part of the National Institutes of Health, defines complementary and alternative medicine as a "group of diverse medical and health care systems, practices, and products that are not presently considered to be part of conventional medicine." Complementary medicine is used with conventional therapy, whereas alternative medicine is used instead of conventional medicine.

Some people with diabetes use complementary or alternative therapies to treat diabetes. Although some of these therapies may be effective, others can be ineffective or even harmful. Patients who use complementary and alternative medicine need to let their health care providers know what they are doing.

Some complementary and alternative medicine therapies are discussed below. For more information, talk with your health care provider.

Acupuncture is a procedure in which a practitioner inserts needles into designated points on the skin. Some scientists believe that acupuncture triggers the release of the body's natural painkillers. Acupuncture has been shown to offer relief from chronic pain. Acupuncture is sometimes used by people with neuropathy, the painful nerve damage of diabetes.

Biofeedback is a technique that helps a person become more aware of and learn to deal with the body's response to pain. This alternative therapy emphasizes relaxation and stress reduction techniques. 

Guided imagery is a relaxation technique that some professionals who use biofeedback do. With guided imagery, a person thinks of peaceful mental images, such as ocean waves. A person may also include the images of controlling or curing a chronic disease, such as diabetes. People using this technique believe their condition can be eased with these positive images.

About Complementary Medicine

Complementary Medicine is the use of natural therapy and medicines to restore and maintain health in addition to conventional medicine. Dating back to 420 B.C., around the time of Hippocrates, complementary medicine is also considered a practice beyond the realm of conventional modern medicine - naturopathy, chiropractic, Ayurvedic, homeopathy, acupuncture and so many other complementary medicine treatments are steadily in demand and on the rise. Because our bodies are composed of chemical and physical reactions, holistic practitioners affirm that illness is not directly caused by pathogens such as viruses or bacterium; instead is the consequence of the body's reaction (in an effort to shield and heal itself) to a pathogen.

Naturopathic and holistic doctors assist potential clients through complementary medicine by plainly alleviating symptoms of disease. Complementary medicine can treat most conditions like headaches, sore throats, flu and cold, indigestion, ear infections, dermatitis, urinary tract infections, sprains and strains. Some chronic conditions such as migraines, autoimmune disorders, cardiovascular disease, arthritis, cancer, muscle-skeletal pain, depression, stress, and even pregnancy and childbirth may be treated with complementary medicine as well.

Complementary medicine teaches proper nutrition in conjunction with vitamin and mineral supplements. Plants and herbs are commonly used in alternative medicine to treat illness, as well as remedies produced from animals and minerals. Hydrotherapy and hypnotherapy are also utilized in complementary medicine for maximum benefits. All in all, complementary medicine improves mental, emotional, and physical health. It encourages psychic and spiritual growth, and an overwhelming sense of wellness.