Many forms of alternative medicine are now becoming popular among many people. In essence, alternative medicine is already around and used by mankind long before the birth of conventional medicine. We are only now rediscovering and re realizing the benefits and advantages of alternative medicine.
Alternative medicine is popular due to its simplicity and ability to provide cure for many ailments using cheaper and easier to use medicines and methods. For example, instead of going to the doctor to get a prescription for sleeping pills, you can instead use aromatherapy oils like lavender and chamomile that can induce a feeling of sleepiness during or after some relaxing massage.
Alternative medicine as already mentioned is most of the times more cost effective than conventional ways of healing. Herbalists would know that readily available kitchen spices such as onions, ginger and garlic can be used for treating common sicknesses like colds, fever and cough instead of OTC medicines. In fact, there are commercially available drugs that are plant based or are made using plants as main ingredients.
If you are one of those people who are somewhat afraid of surgeries and its side effects, you have another reason for preferring alternative means of healing. Some patients whose illnesses seem not to be detected or healed by conventional medicine seek alternative ways to cure their diseases.
In many forms of alternative healing, patients receive some really personal treatments from the alternative healer. Massage therapy for instance, not only will your tired muscles be massaged and conditioned but the masseuse can also help you in your goal towards wellness by encouraging you to be hopeful and following advised practices. Alternative medicine also works on balancing the body and mind and not just on a single area of the body which is affected by the illness. Yoga for example is not just about stretching the body but putting the mind and the body in balance and perfect harmony.
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